Totalmente de Acuerdo Tabi! Se quedarán vacíos esos monumentales Estadios con A/C! Y LA injusticia, maltrato, pobreza se quedarán! Y el Mundo No dirá nada sobre Los Derechos Humanos! Los intereses petroleros y monetarios perdonan e ignoran lo que les estorba!

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No me gusta el fútbol y , menos que se celebre en un país que no respeta los derechos humanos

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Que tristeza Tabi no sabía esto

Definitivamente deberíamos no verlo!

Que crueldad !

La civilización de seguir así se extinguirá mucho más rápido de lo estimado 🥲

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un poco más...

"Qatar has shown remarkable geopolitical deftness to keep sweet the competing interests with which its fortunes are interlinked. It hosts the largest U.S. military base in the Middle East, while also sharing access with Iran to the gas field which generated its astronomical wealth.

Due to the ongoing Russian war in Ukraine, “Qatar will remain extremely relevant in terms of energy dynamics, especially as gas begins to come on stream,” said Kristian Ulrichsen, fellow for the Middle East at Rice University’s Baker Institute. “I think they’ll continue to play a role in regional diplomacy, especially vis-a-vis Iran if there’s no nuclear negotiation breakthrough.” Doha was a key diplomatic player when the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021, Ulrichsen added. "

De la red POLITICO

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Yo tampoco!!!! 😡😡😡 me cuesta creer-entender como los “valores éticos” de la humanidad son tan de “cascos ligeros”. Ante un balón y el Dios Dinero.

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